How he Used Seller Financing to Buy his First Property, Learning Real Estate Investing and Becoming an Airbnb Superhost

July 30, 2024 True Khepra Season 1 Episode 18

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 In this powerful episode, we sit down with Jay-R, a remarkable individual who turned his life around after a troubled past. Once entangled in crime, Jay-R paid his dues and emerged with a new purpose. Now a thriving real estate investor, he’s on a mission to help others achieve financial freedom and a brighter future. Tune in as we explore Jay-R's incredible journey of redemption, resilience, and how he’s making a positive impact in the community. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking for real-life stories of second chances and the path to success

If you're interested, here's a link to True's book: 
The Power Of Choice: You Are Not Stuck

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00;00;00;00 - 00;00;00;29
the co lady that

00;00;00;29 - 00;00;03;10
the handcuffed me and took me to the back was like,

00;00;03;10 - 00;00;05;15
man, you got a good dad out the window.

00;00;05;15 - 00;00;05;26
And I'm like,

00;00;05;26 - 00;00;07;07
they weren't supposed to go through this,

00;00;07;07 - 00;00;10;17
They came here with an American dream. They did everything possible,

00;00;10;17 - 00;00;12;02
And I failed them,

00;00;12;02 - 00;00;19;11
my friends only came one time after that. They were gone, so she said. They said that to me and I was like, nah. My friends always be there,

00;00;19;11 - 00;00;23;24
you know, I changed my life around, and now my my pops didn't get to see it,

00;00;23;24 - 00;00;26;15
which I know promote day's party, watch like

00;00;26;15 - 00;00;28;14
I started living in this building.

00;00;28;14 - 00;00;30;05
the guy that owned it had various houses.

00;00;30;05 - 00;00;32;10
He comes knocking on my door one day.

00;00;32;10 - 00;00;34;24
He was like, look, not coming to sell you to build.

00;00;34;24 - 00;00;38;09

00;10;56;01 - 00;11;03;07
you know, I changed my life around, and now my my pops didn't get to see it, which I know promote day's party, watch like

00;11;03;07 - 00;11;04;01

00;11;04;04 - 00;11;23;21
Yeah, because I know he would have been right here with me, too. Yeah. As he loved all the real estate stuff and the politics and. And I know if I would have had something going wrong with my builders or whatever. Your dad. Don't worry about I got it. Yeah, yeah, I know, because I have a job too now, you know, I work, so I know there's times where I need somebody to be there.

00;11;23;21 - 00;11;43;08
I know he would have been there. Yeah. So right now he will be like, yes. Gone home with my son. He's right. And my mom, she's absolutely proud of me now. She's she looks at me like, you know, I thought you was going to go the other route, but now, you know, thank God. And and I guess I can make you appreciate it more when you all.

00;11;43;08 - 00;12;09;16
I've seen the transformation of your offspring, you know that they're going the wrong way, and then you finally get that fulfilling fulfillment once they see that. Okay, maybe what I was trying to instill in him, it didn't just go in one ear, out the other, he just had to catch up with it. You know, we were talking like it never did because everything they taught me stood here, stood here to them.

00;12;09;16 - 00;12;24;08
It, it just went in through one ear, go out the other business, man. There's a lot of things that they say now that I look, and I'm like, wow, they did say that was going to happen, is going to happen. like when I went to jail, none of my friends came. none of my friends. Only my mom and my dad.

00;12;24;08 - 00;12;42;15
Well, my mom, I didn't want her to come. No, no. So she only came to one of my visits, and my dad, my brother would come, but, my friends only came one time after that. They were gone, so she said. They said that to me and I was like, nah. My friends always be there, my friends, my friends.

00;12;42;15 - 00;13;02;28
And yeah, and I think they're not my friends today. But, you know, because a lot of them are still my friends. Still associates. I don't blame them for, not for, for not coming, but you know, when you're in your worst times in hospital or in jail, they're supposed to be there. and yeah, they weren't. And they said those things to me.

00;13;03;03 - 00;13;04;24
You know it was interesting like I.

00;13;04;24 - 00;13;22;03
I find that my mother still doesn't trust me if I like, like, even like sometimes because I still go on the block. Okay? My mother would be like me. Oh, you know, like that's in this neighborhood. I know what you don't like, man. Seriously. I've just. In 2006, you know, maybe I. So I'm just like, I don't know, it was.

00;13;22;06 - 00;13;38;15
I brought her a lot of pain. Yeah, you. We brought her. We brought him a lot of pain. Because I go through that, too now. Because a lot of my friends, you know, not a lot. A few of them are still active, you know, and my mom knows. My mom knows my whole business. She knows everything. She knew at the end, she was like, you know what I going to do right?

00;13;38;15 - 00;13;57;05
You know, so when I, when I hang around these certain individuals or I go on the block or whatever they may know, right. Be careful. Please. Okay. I'm not the only one. No, no no, bro. Like, what are you doing? Why are you with them? You can't afford to take my my guys, man, right? Yeah, those are my guys, you know?

00;13;57;08 - 00;14;14;02
Yeah. I can't stand who else? Who else am I going to be friends with? I can't just go. Hey, what's up? Right now? these are my guys from Year free for many years. Yeah. And they. And they. So, tell us a little bit about the prison and the jail time. Like, you know, as much as you care to share.

00;14;14;02 - 00;14;41;16
How old were you? I was that was in in 94 came all 96 and I was on parole, probation, all that stuff. And then from there I started a job, you know, because you know you are probation for almost that job. Yeah. You got to have a job. And it's crazy because I ended up working with my uncle were making, I mean fake ammunition for the, for the Army.

00;14;41;19 - 00;15;05;05
And I was getting paid decent and. That was, that was kind of like my first job. I had like jobs from when I was in grammar school. You know those little programs they put you on pick. Yeah. Yeah. Stuff like that. But not not never serious. This was I had a I had to get a job and I and it was one of those where we make a fake ammunition for the Army.

00;15;05;07 - 00;15;25;11
And my uncle got me in there and then that still wasn't enough, you know, because I came home with, like, I won't be all right. I won't be a rapist eight months in, I was like, man, that is short for this shit. But, you know, it was crazy after that. After that, I kept the job and still fucking around here and there dipping and diving.

00;15;25;18 - 00;15;43;29
Yeah, I was in no Pablo Escobar, nothing like that. But I was making enough. Where I used to save my chips and my friends used to always crack. I'd be lay out the fucking rate, yo, spend your money now I'm saving it. I was saving it. I'm saving. Yeah, I was always a saver. But at the same time, I fucked off a lot of money too, no doubt.

00;15;44;02 - 00;16;07;29
And, then from there, I just kept work and kept working. I made some do it in there. He made me a lot of money, too, because he was a heavy gambler. So I was, you know, hustling work. And he would lose and ask me like, yeah, listen, can you let me borrow a couple dollars? Of course.

00;16;08;01 - 00;16;24;18
But for every dollar lent you, you got to give me some interest back. That's how I made a lot of my money through him, you know, to socialize. I was doing those a lot too. For those who don't know can you explain a little bit. So yeah that is when you get like a group of people when everybody puts in I'm gonna give you a little number like $1,000.

00;16;24;20 - 00;16;42;26
So it's ten people, everybody gives a thousand, I mean $100 or whatever the case may be. But at the end of the at the end of the, your number at the end of the month, you get your thousand dollars. It's like a savings, okay? Like a social. Okay. There you go. Suzu and I used to do a lot of those, and I used to take a lot.

00;16;42;29 - 00;16;58;07
10,002 shoes here. $2,000 shoes was here. I wasn't pay no ran my mom's. I used to give a couple of dollars here and there, you know what I'm saying? And. And that's how I made a lot of my money save. And then I was I was saying that. So something else that I hear about because this show is called Raw Success.

00;16;58;07 - 00;17;20;07
So we're always looking for gems and, and things to pick up because we believe that success principles are universal. So, you know, I also hear your antennas always up for an opportunity. Of course. That's me. my time is always up for an opportunity. I always jump on those. Yeah, yeah. So in terms of of your prison term, you know, how was that?

00;17;20;10 - 00;17;40;08
You know, I never, you know, I'm I'm a felon and everything, but I never did prison time. What was that experience like? Like it was like. Like like you see in the movies, right? Just like you see in the movies, I. I didn't like it, you know? I couldn't wait to come home. And how did you spend your time or invest your time working out, talking shit with the guys, sleeping a lot?

00;17;40;08 - 00;18;00;17
I slept a lot. I yes, I play chess, play chess. I would stay away from the car games and dominoes or stuff. That brings trouble. I always kept my. I was always like, one of those guys. I got called everybody, you know, I was cool with. Everybody I knew were boundaries across and whatnot. Like, if I knew that card games would bring you trouble.

00;18;00;23 - 00;18;20;13
stay away from that. you know, dominoes always arguing. Stay away from that. Chess is a one on one, you know, even though you could get into it because we would play touch and move. You touch you move. All right. But I was, you know. Right? Right. I was and then, I and like I said, I just nobody wants to be in it.

00;18;20;18 - 00;18;40;04
I mean, I never had a problem. Never had a problem. Maybe, maybe one time I had a show, I was, I was, I was locked up in, Hudson County. And, you know, I'm from Patterson, so it's, you know, wherever. So they used to give us these jackets, and, I laid it down my head down. This dude sat on.

00;18;40;06 - 00;19;00;14
So I'm looking around. I'm like, I used test the military test for a test, so I had to jump, you know, jump down his throat like, yo, fuck you doing, man. You know, get off my shit. man, you Pattison niggas this, this, that, whatever. Didn't get into an altercation, but, But yeah, I had a, you know, put him in his place.

00;19;00;14 - 00;19;19;23
Yeah, yeah. So when you show it. So it's like the whole the whole cell block against Patterson, he, you know. So they saw him back down. I'm not no killer or fighter like that. But they saw nobody wants to fight. Nobody wants to get into nothing. But when you see somebody that's confronting you back, they fall back. So that happened.

00;19;19;25 - 00;19;37;17
Then another time, some dude, try to steal my shampoo. That's when I had to put my hands on him. but that was that was I caught him, put my hands on them, and that was it. That's the only time I really had anything crazy happening other than that. Like I said, I was cool with everybody. I cool with everybody.

00;19;37;23 - 00;19;54;05
I know going back during that time, I'm not sure how gangs were. there was there was there was no gangs. There was what was coming up was the Latin Kings. So that was asked to be a Lion King. I'm not down with that. There was there was hardly no bloods or Crips, you know, you heard about it, but it was not a crazy.

00;19;54;06 - 00;20;18;22
Yeah, it was more like Latin Kings and yet, yeah, the stuff like that that I was asked to get down with. But I was never down with any of that. I was, I was my I used to say I'm a one man gang. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you, in this day in time, in today's age, do you think, like, if somebody goes to prison and I hope nobody goes to prison, but if they do, can they still stay neutral and survive that environment?

00;20;18;22 - 00;20;36;18
Or you think you can? I think you can. But it's tough, man, because you know now you now you segregated got Crips here. You got Bloods here. So whichever cell block you're going to land on, most likely you're going to, you know, you're going to try, they're going to try to convert you. And if you don't you get into something.

00;20;36;22 - 00;20;56;12
Somebody's going to test you. You're going to get into something. Who you got to back you up. Right. Oh now you by yourself bro. Right. You know you by yourself. So either you get down, lay down. So a lot of these young kids are weak minded. Like fucking let me get down. And they get down. They become bloods and they don't know what comes after that.

00;20;56;13 - 00;21;17;19
It's tell you in. So for the young people that are watching, what suggestion would you have for them? Not just prison but just just in general. You know, you mentioned that there are a lot of them are weak minded, which I agree, you know, what suggestions would you have for them? Just say to yourself, well, what if they get locked up just in general?

00;21;17;19 - 00;21;39;16
In general, just mind a businessman's stay focus. Listen to your parents if there is any parents now, because most of these kids that are growing up, the grandma babies, you know, so a lot of the fathers in our home. Yeah. And a lot of the fathers in our home. So I just say, you know, internet and all this rap shit, don't listen to that.

00;21;39;16 - 00;21;54;07
But it's hard to tell these kids that because they look at you like, bro, get out of here. Don't know shit because we did. Because I know we're that age. Yeah, we were that age two because I have I have guys too. Like I'll see we do have barbershop talks and guys on my own blog where I have my properties.

00;21;54;07 - 00;22;13;20
I'll sit down and talk to them and they don't want to hear that shit. Yeah. Like, yo, bro, I'll ask you down to money, man. Nah, man. You know, trying to get like you J. You know how you got money put up. Nah, nah. You know, I'm trying to nowadays the gaming like it was back then. Back then you take $100 and make a thousand.

00;22;13;22 - 00;22;36;27
Now you take $100. You only making like 50, 60 bucks, but it's just how fast you sell it. Wow. Why don't you think so? Like you said, we were that age. Definitely. However, I was saying in your little. You got me back a few years. We. I feel like to a degree we listen like, you know, like, for example, like I remember when the Nation of Islam was around, we respected that.

00;22;37;00 - 00;22;56;20
Or if an OG got locked up, he came home. We respected that. And when I mean OG, I don't mean like gang og because you know my era well, the gangs came later, but I'm originally from the era of blacks, so you know like but if you know, we respected the OG, the OG. So initially we respected our elders.

00;22;56;22 - 00;23;14;03
But I see that these young people nowadays, it's like they have no respect for old ladies. And this is not me bashing the youth. You know, I do a lot of mentorship group. I speak to the youth. So this is not like bashing to this generation either. I mean, we just speaking to what it is. What do you think?

00;23;14;03 - 00;23;31;09
What what do you think? Cause the shift or the decline. But I think, you know that that whole thing. I know you heard it before, the crack babies and stuff like that. A lot of parents, became drug addicts and stuff like that and leave kids behind with, like I say, with their grandmas and stuff like that. Grandma had no control.

00;23;31;15 - 00;23;46;15
They're out on the streets. They don't have no type of respect for nobody. Like you asked me before was the advice you can give these kids? I've tried, but they look at me like, get the fuck out of you. That's what I'm say. Shit. So I don't even know where to start. I'm trying to give you advice, you know what I mean?

00;23;46;16 - 00;24;12;19
I guess you just have to know that, bro. That's where, like, we were talking before. My parents talking to me, going through my mind like, damn. Yeah. Somewhere down the line, you gotta know that this this is not going to end good. Yeah. And I think got to have that. Yeah yeah yeah definitely. Also two we, our parenting, even though I grew up with a single parent household, definitely.

00;24;12;19 - 00;24;33;11
Like, you know, like, I had my first child when I was 19, you know, I mean, so I think definitely like the culture of the area, but also just parents, like, you know, we I think that we were raised with parents who were really parents. Yeah. Maybe were is successful to a degree. Yeah, but they weren't parents. Now, you got a lot of young people having parents.

00;24;33;11 - 00;24;48;14
And I had a child young, who are trying to be more like an old friend. Yeah. So maybe that was. That's a part. That's a part of it too. But you know what I have noticed, man, a lot of a lot of dads would be dads now, too. Yeah. So I noticed that a lot, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

00;24;48;15 - 00;25;08;26
You know, I see a lot of dads with the kids and stuff like that and that. That's good, man. That's good. But then again, there's more of the other side. There's not a lot of parents, not a lot of dads. But I do notice that there's a lot of dads in the kids. kids lives now. So. So what was the spark for your transformation?

00;25;08;26 - 00;25;28;28
So, you know, you came home, you work? I came home still did that table and dabbling. I came home to a Air Force ones and a Kangol hat. Just that. That wave. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So boom. I'm workin. I'm going. I'm still going on the block. I see the guys with the cars and the girls and you know, you know how it is.

00;25;29;00 - 00;25;37;25
Eight months in I was like, man, fuck this shit. You get it, I get back. Yeah. So I start, you know, doing my little thing here. And then,

00;25;37;25 - 00;25;40;00
I started living in this building.

00;25;40;00 - 00;25;48;02
Where were I showed you two days out in, Patterson. Across three from the E.R., Saint Joe's hospital. I started living there,

00;25;48;02 - 00;25;50;18
and the guy that owned it had various houses.

00;25;50;18 - 00;25;52;12
He had multiple houses everywhere.

00;25;52;12 - 00;26;05;18
And I used to collect his rent. I used to collect this rag, cleaned the building and clean the hallway. The front take his garbage out. I was like a side job. No, no, I would I would just do it like like, don't worry. Don't worry about it. I got him it whenever you.

00;26;05;18 - 00;26;20;03
Come on. First I got your rent from me and the rest of the people. And I got him used to that. And he was so nice, man. A few times I would give him my rent, like, not take it back. Now I'm God, Louis. Come on. I'm the type of guy. Come on. Three times at the third time.

00;26;20;03 - 00;26;33;15
All right. You know so nice. Always sound Louis, whenever you ready to sell this building, come to me when I'm young. I'm thinking he taking me serious. He knew what I was about.

00;26;33;15 - 00;26;35;29
He comes knocking on my door one day. I'm

00;26;35;29 - 00;26;43;13
like, oh, shit. So I leave. So I got the rent, whatever for everybody. He's like, man, hold on to that.

00;26;43;13 - 00;26;53;15
I was like, what do you mean? He was like, keep it. I was like, what? The whole thing is like, yeah, like then we come out, I can't again, third time. All right. Wow.

00;26;53;15 - 00;26;55;29
He was like, look, not coming to sell you to build.

00;26;55;29 - 00;27;02;12
Wow. Like you you for real? He's like, yeah, I'm going to sell you the building.

00;27;02;14 - 00;27;20;28
So, I was going on vacation, so I like, damn. I'm like, I bet. So he gave me the conditions on how to get the build. Says, look, I'm gonna do this for you because I like you, and I want you to do good. This is not the no overnight thing. This later on in the future, you're going to benefit off this.

00;27;20;28 - 00;27;41;07
But you got to follow my directions. I was like, all right, cool. So what is it? He was like, give me 50,000 cash and I'll hold your mortgage. I'll say, all right. What do you mean? So he explain it to me. Look, I hold you. You give me $50,000 cash, thousand dollars a month. But I need you in up to everything.

00;27;41;10 - 00;27;56;18
I'll give you the deed and everything through lawyers and everything. But if you fuck up three times, you lose your 50,000, and you got to give me the building back. And every at the catch hold, you thought, well, what? When you say hold your mortgage, can you explain what that is? Hold my mortgages. He's he's kind of like be in the bank.

00;27;56;23 - 00;28;18;23
Got it. The seller financing. Exact. Okay. I don't know the exact terms for that. Yeah, that's what it is. That's that's what he did. So he's holding my mortgage and he's like, every year or every other month I'm going to come make sure that you got insurance on the building and you're paying your taxes. If you fuck up any of that shit, the building back to me and you lose your 50,000.

00;28;18;25 - 00;28;33;04
So I was like, all right, boom. I go on vacation. I'm like, I bought, I got it, I got to get my hustle on because I told him to give me, let me go on vacation, come back. He was like, yeah, I'm gonna wait till you come back. Building is yours, bro. Don't worry about it. I just give me the 5050 racks.

00;28;33;06 - 00;28;52;09
So I'm like, I, I leave, come back, I get on my grind, boom, call my moms. I'm like your mom, my dad. This is going on. She's like, oh, wow. how are you going to do that? I was like, what, the 50 racks? But I want you to be there because I don't want this guy even though he's nice to me.

00;28;52;11 - 00;29;11;00
I don't want to. I don't want to, I want to to make sure that I'm not getting fucked over. All right? Boom. So we go to the lawyer. we tell the lawyer exactly what's going on. His lawyers get together, they break down the contract, whatever it is that me and spoke about. He comes up to my house that day after the lawyer spoke.

00;29;11;00 - 00;29;29;21
And everything I give him is 50,000. The building is mine. It's amazing. So he held on to it for for he said he's going to give me two years. No, three years. I gave I gave him his money. In two years I refinanced and two. Yeah two years later. And put it in your name. Put it in my name, which was the wrong thing to do because I wanted to.

00;29;29;24 - 00;29;50;19
I didn't know that back then. You should have put it into an LLC. but I did it under my name, so, fast forward. I gave him his money. I always thought about. Right now I know what I got to do because I cashed out. I mean, like, I gave him whatever I owed because he sold me the building.

00;29;50;19 - 00;30;08;13
That in actuality, for 225, put a whole building for 225 back then, papers at 175. How many units were in the building? Three units, a store and a little studio in the back. Looks great. Okay. So commercials? Yeah, it's commercial mixed use. so I had a hard time trying to refinance it back then because of mixed uses.

00;30;08;13 - 00;30;30;29
They're they're very hard to refinance, so, I was able to refinance, cash out, pay him, and cash out a couple dollars cash that was like 70,000, something like that. So in my head, drug dealer mentality. Then we put the 50,000 away. Now I got 20 to play with. How long would I do? I fucked it all off, you know, trying to flip it.

00;30;31;01 - 00;30;56;03
Well Pom-Pom here, there, which I did, made out good. fast forward 2000. Oh, wait. Before that, my mentality was like, Now I'm gonna do this again. I'll keep doing this. But no. 2008 the stock market hit and all that houses crashed says, yeah, nobody wanted to refinance my build. So I'm like, damn, what am I going to do?

00;30;56;06 - 00;31;18;10
You know? So fast forward again, all those to 2008 all the way to like not too long ago, a couple of years ago. Right. A couple years back I would be trying to refinance. Nobody would want to deal with me because I was from Patterson or everybody in Patterson was refinance and not paying the houses off. So that's why you seen a lot of abandoned houses.

00;31;18;10 - 00;31;37;10
People cash out, just let them go. So nobody wanted to deal with nobody from Patterson. what happened after that? I was like, damn, what am I going to do now? I don't want to use the money that I have to fix this building because I got a couple dollars saved up. But I don't want to, you know, use my own money.

00;31;37;17 - 00;32;09;24
I got to use their money, you know? So I'm like, what am I going to do? I try to refinance, and nobody wanted to nobody wanted to refinance. I had doors closed on my face like, oh, what? What do you have? Well, I got to make shoes of Patterson. Get out of here. So, my brother tells me, oh, social media came on Instagram, so my brother's like, hey, man, there's this guy on social media posting all these houses that he's buying, like, damn Malibu, you got to connect this.

00;32;09;26 - 00;32;28;11
I don't know who is this guy. He shows me and I'm like, oh shit. All right. I know people are going to flip out now, but his name was Cesar Flipping and Jay Freeman and say, yeah, yeah, I thought you about to say Florio. No. Well, listen, man, Florida did a big change to Patterson. That's why all the rents in Patterson are so high and all these properties are so high.

00;32;28;11 - 00;32;49;04
And Patterson, because of Florida, he stepped up the game for everybody. So then Caesar comes in. He's he does a seminar. So I told my brother, I said, listen, I don't know what this guy's about or whatever, but I want to go to his seminar because if he's got all these people that he say he's going to bring to the seminar, I'm going to, I'm going to network with these people.

00;32;49;07 - 00;33;03;18
And one of these people going to take me to where I need to go, take me to the water. I'd drink out of that. so you know what I mean. So. And that's how I was. He held up a seminar. And not for no man. You know, whatever he's going through right now or whatever it is that's on him.

00;33;03;18 - 00;33;24;06
But he shook the shit. The whole real estate industry up, you know, everybody started. Everybody wanted to be a realtor after that. Everybody wanted to get into houses. And, I went to his seminars and I met someone there that took me to refinance the building. So I cashed out. And that's where I'm at today, you know, buying properties and another building.

00;33;24;07 - 00;33;42;11
I bought another building down the street from there. I bought a lot behind the building that I originally owned, which I showed you. That was nice. and, I'm in the process, but. Yeah, like, kind of like in the process of buying that new building next door to where the Airbnb visa. Oh, okay. Yeah. That one, two.

00;33;42;14 - 00;33;57;25
And that's what I did. And so, you know, I just kept flipping the money. Flipping the money, man. There's so much to unpack. Yeah, it's a lot to unpack. Yeah. I'm just giving you the the. That's great. I have two. So two questions. You know, I mean, you have something you want to go, you know I'll go ahead.

00;33;57;25 - 00;34;19;03
And I do want to add on over. Yes. Go ahead. So, so one thing that I notice how I. Yeah, this is beautiful. So one thing I noticed. Right. So they say luck is when opportunity meets preparation. It's like the words I one for the. Oh look at the outfits. And I just think that, you know, I got a story on that one too.

00;34;19;05 - 00;34;37;23
Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Don't forget. No no I'm not going to forget because it's this part of my story. yeah. So I just think it's so amazing that you so happen to move to this building. Yes. Right. Like this is just that alone, right? So that's number one. So I just wanted to point that out. What I wanted to ask you.

00;34;37;24 - 00;34;55;18
So I have two questions is what did you say his name was? Louis. Done with Louis pride this. Hi. Shout out to him down Louis. Yeah, definitely. You know, his brother's doing a lot of great work in the community because you gave him a chance. Yes. You serve a lot of people in his life. You don't even know what you did.

00;34;55;20 - 00;35;14;07
Yes. so all that he said, well, that were. But still. What did he see in you like? Well, because remember, this is called raw success. So we want people to be to be able to follow because we believe success is a formula. So what was it about you that he saw that the more that he could trust you?

00;35;14;07 - 00;35;37;28
Yes. Number two, that you can handle this opportunity. What was it about you that he saw, when he should be here about? Yes, yes, yes. Well, I could tell you I was like I said, I wasn't at. Look, I'm not, not because I'm here. I'm trying to speak, but I could stand on any block in Patterson anywhere in the world, and nobody could ever say, I fuck you over beat you for anything.

00;35;37;28 - 00;36;01;09
When I came boss from you, it was always on the money. Never $100 short. $10 or none in money was always there. I'm pretty sure when people do things like that, they ask before they do, you know, so he. I'm pretty sure he went around and asked. He know he knew my dad from being, you know, colognes, warehouse and, hardware store in Patterson.

00;36;01;12 - 00;36;18;22
He was always there and he saw that I came from a good family and a good upbringing, and he saw my hustler mentality. He's seen me. He's. He knew what I was doing, but he took a liking to me. You know, I was always on point with him. I used to tell him, don't worry, don't worry. But I got your rent.

00;36;18;24 - 00;36;33;16
I got it on the first or whatever it is that you come. Your rent is there. I would keep the building clean. And I guess he like that. He never had a son. He had a daughter. So anytime he ever needed to do something, I would always tell him, Louis, whenever you need anything, just come get me. You would come get me and my boy next door.

00;36;33;16 - 00;36;51;06
Alfred Dale. Guys, I need you to take this garbage out for me and such. Such, please. Boom, I cool. Well, I was a couple, you know, cleans like y'all go out the sky out. Whatever. I'll give you a couple dollars. so he saw that in me, and I guess he trusted me. And like I said, he took a liking to me.

00;36;51;06 - 00;37;12;25
He saw it in me. I don't know what is that he saw, but he took. He took a liking to me. He trusted me with that because, you know, you know how it is. Your realtor. People sell, they want their money. Absolutely. And he was able to, you know, hold my mortgage and you know what I see is and this is good for everybody who's listening.

00;37;12;27 - 00;37;34;11
You are trustworthy man. Yes. And then like I said and I'll say it again, my face is clean wherever I go, whatever I go, I can stand on any block in Patterson. And nobody would ever have anything bad to say about me. Like, as far as you know, me, him being me or doing some grimy shit, all my BS or fucking girl and it was never really a boy.

00;37;34;11 - 00;37;54;17
I don't like them because maybe this girl liked me or whatever the case may be, but it was never known. I know no monetary stuff. Yeah, so we see he's a man of integrity. So you were trustworthy? Yes. A man of integrity. He's a man of his word. Yes, sir. And he had a a solid reputation. So I said, these are things to this day.

00;37;54;20 - 00;38;16;03
Indeed. So these are things for the young men and women who are listening. These are things to these are qualities that we can all emulate, you know. so my my last question also two, I have to say this, obviously he saw the drive in this man. Yeah. Had a drive, you know, that he was a he's, he was motivated.

00;38;16;03 - 00;38;34;15
He was a hustler and he was getting to it. And when I say hustler, I don't mean selling drugs, even though that is part of his past or part of his story. What I meant is he got to it. He got to his antenna, was up. the other question that I had, you mentioned that, it was a mistake to put the property in your name and not an LLC.

00;38;34;17 - 00;38;53;08
Can you explain to that anyone just how they can be informed? Why? So if you put your property into an LLC, now your name is off of the. Of course you know your name is still on it, but not on it anywhere. Your your, protected. No not yet. Not only are you protected, but you're not. You're not on a lake.

00;38;53;08 - 00;39;17;19
You're you're like, what do you say? What's that called when. Libel. No no no no, not when your, your credit. Your credit. accountable. what's the word I'm looking for? But anyway, I should have put it into an LLC, and I put it under my name for the leverage for unless exactly for the leverage. And, you know, your name is whenever you want to go buy a car.

00;39;17;19 - 00;39;36;23
And I know your, your or whatever it is that you want to buy, you're always going to see that that there. I know you got a house. You got a house. So you put under an LLC. Your name doesn't appear on nothing. So you you're able to move around different, but you're getting what you're getting money. That's a guess your but you get but you're getting money on the side.

00;39;36;23 - 00;39;58;23
You know. And so sort of because the LLC is like entity within itself. Exactly. It doesn't have like some other thing, your debt to ratio. I'm sorry. Yeah. If that's the ratio when you go buy another property that's not lingering on, you know, because another mistake I did was I used to take a lot of losses doing my taxes.

00;39;58;26 - 00;40;16;10
yeah. Yeah, I'm making money. I'm making money. Let me go buy this. well, you can't you that the ratio was this high. You got this building cost and this much. This is jargon, I know, so I'm like, damn, I'm going to do this. So when I refinance the second time, I refinance that into an LLC. That's when I was able to acquire everything else.

00;40;16;10 - 00;40;32;25
Because now I don't have my debt ratios very low. You don't appear on nothing, you know? so, that's what I was able to do. That's why I said put it into an LLC. That's to what I was looking for. Sorry to cut you off. Yeah. No, no, no, definitely. I know you have a question as far as that's concerned, but how do you.

00;40;32;27 - 00;40;48;28
So I understand the debt ratio thing, but what about the income? Because now you have true capital, right? So whatever income I have, it's harder to true capital. But if I started LLC how is the income. How do I show you get what I'm saying now? What do you mean like like so what do your taxes and stuff like that?

00;40;48;29 - 00;41;06;15
No. When acquiring a property. So like so with that, I'll see on this day how now are two keppra get is no longer is not tied to the like. Right. Well, what about the income you now the LC doesn't have an income, right? Nor the LLC has an income. That's what you're going to. All your income is going to go.

00;41;06;15 - 00;41;29;00
To your LLC, your income, your your true, your name a separate from everything now. So I can you so, someone so someone who's, can use their income for the LLC, but not the debt. Not the debt. I don't know how the debt is different, because now, whatever you whatever you make it on the on the property, that's that's got his own identity.

00;41;29;00 - 00;41;46;07
It's like a person. It's working itself. That's an identity. True. Is someone different? Yeah. No, I mean, like, starting off. So let's say, like, I want to buy this property, right? Right. So does the LLC, and is true. Capra. So true. Capra has income, but the like doesn't. So I can I how can I I guess I don't know what the word is.

00;41;46;07 - 00;42;04;20
The terminology proved to the bank or had the bank give me a loan if the LLC doesn't have a had doesn't have, income income, you all get a loan because you have to prove that you're getting some type of income on that LLC. Is that word then true capital the person comes in and no, because two capital is someone different.

00;42;04;21 - 00;42;25;22
Your LLC has to show that it's making money. Yeah. So look at money. So pretty much the building itself. You have tenants. You have tenants. Yeah. And that's the income that comes coming in that you're showing. So depending on what type of income you're making now you can go borrow for that. Like let's say you go to the bank of the buildings, as you say, making, 100,000 a year.

00;42;25;25 - 00;42;41;11
You go borrow, you want to go get a loan off that LLC, they're going to look at that LLC and be like, all right, it makes $1,000 a year. Yeah, we'll give you 50,000 or whatever. Then you know what I mean? Because you're making money off. They're not going to give you the full 100,000. They didn't give you a percentage.

00;42;41;11 - 00;42;58;29
So if I understand you correctly, if it's a new LLC, does it have anything under you have to at least show the potential. Hey listen, I'm acquiring this property or properties worth this amount. I'm going to charge this rent. And so the house is going to meet this amount. So the bank goes, oh okay. You got to look at the bank like what would you do.

00;42;59;00 - 00;43;21;08
Would you like somebody that type of money. If it's I'm making money because I could, I could tell you it's going to make money, but is it making money. Would you lend that person that money? Right, right. No. That's how you got to look at the. That's the way I look at things. You know what I mean? So you got to show that this LLC is making money is producing money in order for you to get a loan off of it.

00;43;21;11 - 00;43;42;13
So what I'm saying, that's what that's what worked for me. I had a show because most of my, most of my LLC that I borrowed, I got money put aside, you know, it's the right thing to do. You know, you can you got to take the benefits from from the LLCs. What can you do it? I'll say, well, if this LLC is producing this X amount of money, let's borrow some money off of and just keep it there.

00;43;42;13 - 00;43;58;03
You know, you never know when a deal is going to come through, right? Hey what am I going to get. This might. Well but what if so day one. Right. Let's say somebody opens up okay. I want to acquire a property I started LLC, so I don't have any income showing for that LC because I just started it.

00;43;58;03 - 00;44;14;24
You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So then how does someone not convince the banks but show the banks? Well, you're not going to I don't I don't think don't quote me on this because I never did this. But I don't think a bank will give you you can buy your first house with an LLC because, like I said, maybe a bit.

00;44;14;25 - 00;44;32;07
A company already that you that it shows that it's making money with the various properties. Then you could do it. But just a regular LLC that has no type of income. I don't think you could do that. Got it. You know, so you would have to get it. You would have to do go into it and conventionally a year later, refinance it into an LLC.

00;44;32;09 - 00;44;52;11
Got it. Then that LLC is going to have its own identity, create credit because you're going to look at the LLC credit and then you can acquire, you know, loans on it. You know, you could apply for a loan to stomach, and it's best to take advantage of some of the first. But first time homebuyer programs. If you purchase like a for family exactly.

00;44;52;11 - 00;45;14;23
To go to a 3.5% down, then go to the three with 5% and and break it down. So that minimal amount of money you're putting out there are getting maxed out. So and that and that and and the 4321. Yeah. So your first one should be a four family home but a 3.5% down. But now you could do conventional loans with 10% 5% to 10%.

00;45;14;23 - 00;45;38;21
Yeah. So let's just go with that 3.5%. Boom. You have that for a year. Suppose you live in it right? You refinance it into an LLC. Now your name doesn't appear on right. So you take advantage of the next one, which is going to be a three phase under your own name now. And you keep doing that till you get down to one family house.

00;45;38;21 - 00;46;10;10
That all these three are going to help you pay for this. Wow. Yeah. And that's want to say absolutely. So you're actually refinancing a year later after you buy into LLCs. Now they become your companies. So just imagine you got three LLCs and you could take out loans on each one okay. Right. And you just have them. They're just sitting there because you're not going to be stupid and go traveling by yourself a chain or a car, whatever it is, you're just going to have them sitting there because you never know when a lease is going to come through and be like, yo, listen, I could do this for you.

00;46;10;12 - 00;46;39;04
Give me 50,000, even 100,000. You know what I got there? Right here. Let me go, let me go! Pull that out. Now! You got something? Paying those loans back, you know, because you got to pay that back. It's not, you know, as as you're talking now, I see one thing that you, as an adult and as an investor that, parallels you when you were younger and that was always being ready for whatever opportunity comes.

00;46;39;04 - 00;47;03;16
So even with, with, real estate, you wouldn't just go ahead and just put all the money up. You'll put some money aside because you never know when the next opportunities got come. That would be smart. You got to be ready. Like I said, you know, if you got if you got these properties, refinance them, put them into LLCs, borrow off the LLCs, had the money sitting there because, you know, you never know when that opportunity is going to come or a rainy day.

00;47;03;16 - 00;47;19;24
Let's say something happens to your house. You don't want to come out. This is another thing. I don't like to come out of my own pocket. I like to use that money. they say something wrong, goes with the with the house. They need to put some siding or whatever, and let's take it out of there. But put it back.

00;47;19;24 - 00;47;37;11
The rents are going to pay that back. Are you not even using your money? Your work money should be your off money if you want to put it like that. So that's that's what I do. I don't have no kids by choice. So it's a little easier for me, you know, all my work and money just for me to hang out, do what I want.

00;47;37;17 - 00;47;56;12
Yeah. Now, you, one of your mentees, which is the stepdaughter? Yeah. She just purchased, three family homes. Yes, yes, she purchased her first. Yes, yes. Thank you. Mesa. And that was because, you know, I. That's what I talk about at home. Real estate. Real estate. Real estate. Real estate is she caught a I mean a year to it and she's doing it.

00;47;56;12 - 00;48;12;29
She's doing well right now. Like right now she can literally go make a hundred thousand off of it. She sells it. Wow. She bought it for her for five. And right now you know the market is about three family. Forget about it. And apparently, thanks to Florio and all the other investors that are there. so you see family.

00;48;13;00 - 00;48;37;07
He's not just talking like this. Man knows what he's talking about. He has the properties, number one, and he's also teaching people not just with words. We have one person. I'm pretty sure there's more who actually follow the formula. And now they have. This is a blueprint. If you follow this blueprint, you can't go wrong. You can't go wrong because number one is positive.

00;48;37;09 - 00;48;52;24
Number two, you and I heard nobody. It's legal. That's what I tell her all the times. You know this shit is legal. Like bro, I can even wrap my head around this. Like I don't even got to look over my back, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, like, that's a long season. I said, unless you season, that's just.

00;48;52;27 - 00;49;14;07
You know what? Shout out to Cesar. I know a lot of people lay off season, but shout out to him because he shook them. He shook the industry up. Absolutely. And he he the you know, at the time we thought it was positive, you know what I'm saying? Because. But it was positive what you got out. Oh it was it because everything he did say I used to go to I went to the seminars just to because that's another thing or everything that he did.

00;49;14;10 - 00;49;32;10
I wanted to maybe not to that type of scale, but I wanted to acquire more properties because having all that, all those houses, that's just a big headache. You know, I just want to live good. you know, have residual income coming in and be able to retire off of this, you know what I mean? And I'm hopefully, God willing, I'll get there.

00;49;32;10 - 00;49;51;21
You know, you know, another piece of the formula that I see, two things. Number one, you don't let your debt issue stop you. You were like, yo, I gotta figure this out. Well, and, of not being able to refinance. Yes. I didn't like, like some people would, will probably have stopped. Oh, I can't, you know, but I was at that point when I came up.

00;49;51;21 - 00;50;06;27
Man, what am I going to do? Because the, the, the bank that I did have, which was flushing banks and Queens, I found that bank in Queens. They told me, we're going to refinance your house. Yeah, yeah, don't worry about it. I'm like, all right, cool. But I know there's a process to this. I'll, you know, Friday will call you.

00;50;07;00 - 00;50;26;26
Friday came and oh, all we can do is just, reassess your house and bring your mortgage down by a couple hundred bucks. I said, but I thought I was going to be able to refinance. Now, you're not going to be able to, you know, modify your loan. So at that point, I was like, now this man, I give up, I'm just going to have to use my own money.

00;50;26;28 - 00;50;49;23
But the whole point to this game is not to use your own money, because you got all these advantages and all these opportunities with having real estate that you need to pull the trigger on. And I wanted to, but then Cesar came and everything he did speak was on point, because I went to these seminars just to make sure that what I was thinking was a truth.

00;50;49;25 - 00;51;07;09
And he put a stamp on his, his whole seminars and I was like yeah I was thinking that. Yeah that's all I am on the right track, I am on the right track. Yeah. You know, and I was able to meet someone there that was able to help me refinance the house. Yeah. So you know that's the, that's the other piece that I hear too.

00;51;07;09 - 00;51;22;20
So you want to stop number one, you had challenges. Yeah. And I think that's that's something that that's important for people to know that this channel and this this game, this game is not easy, but this is a waiting game. It's not like drugs. You you take $100 and you flip it and right away you see the money.

00;51;22;20 - 00;51;42;04
Not here is longevity. And if you got any, you can have that in your mindset that this is a longevity thing you're going to be. And and that's what I tell my daughter to I'm a you listen, I know right now you're not seeing a big margin of profit, but in the long run, you will trust me because you're gaining equity.

00;51;42;07 - 00;52;03;22
Another thing I tell people too is like every year you're, you're, you're, you're getting a raise. That's the way I put it. Why. Because you're increasing on your rent. That's true. Look I just spoke to someone the other day. He's got properties all over and commercial buildings everywhere. His rent increases were going up. He said I'm saying I want my leases.

00;52;03;25 - 00;52;22;06
You know how much he's making? 155,000. Just on rent increases. And that's all to his pocket. amazing. Who's walking with that? And I'm looking at this man. I'm like, wow, I'm not there yet. Nor do I think I want to be there because that comes with a lot of shit, a lot of headaches and stuff like that.

00;52;22;06 - 00;52;43;13
Like I said before, I just want to live good, be able to do what I do now. At ease. Live a peaceful life through the four pillars. What are the four pillars? True. Oh, man. The four pillars are, each of fruits. Drink your water and mind your business and give a lending hand when you can. Yeah, yeah, that's what I.

00;52;43;13 - 00;53;01;11
That's that's what I do. I mean, this, you know, I just want to live peacefully because a lot of this, you got to be mentally strong for it for all these two men. Because sometimes you could be anywhere. You could be chilling. I don't have a management company. I do everything myself. you know, you could be jealous of having a drink or whatever the case may be.

00;53;01;14 - 00;53;24;17
Oh, man, it's raining outside. I got a leak. Oh, fuck. Well, I don't have no hot water. Damn. I had to go and fix this boiler. I got to get somebody on the horn, y'all. Listen, man, get down here, quick. You know what I mean? Is there a particular reason that you don't hire management like it was? is number one, I love this, I love way you could talk to me about real estate all day and and talk about it.

00;53;24;22 - 00;53;39;12
Another formula. Joe. He loves what he does. I love it, so it doesn't it doesn't feel like a job to me. I like when the other day it happened to me, a hot water heater bus boom. I go down to the basement. I need me to turn the lights on. But from the lights on the streets, I see the water.

00;53;39;15 - 00;53;58;11
I mean, I see the the floor shining. I'm like, the fuck is that? Turn on the lights, water to your ankles now. Like, okay. So like I said, is this things that that comes with the game man and what I do, I call my man up. Yo, come change this to ball. When about the when the what the how, what are you to put it in?

00;53;58;18 - 00;54;15;25
And that's it. A lot of people will be like man, oh my God, what do I do now? How do I go about this? You just got to have people on call on the horn. Boom. This man so on happen connects. Yeah. And the people that have been there back for you, you got to treat them good. And that's because you treat people very well.

00;54;15;29 - 00;54;30;24
Yeah. Yeah. Thank you I do man I like to treat people the way I like to be treated. Yeah. Because that comes like with the Airbnbs. If I go to a Airbnb I don't want to see fingerprints. No way. I don't want to see a piece of hair. No way. I do the whole cleaning to me and my lady, we do our own cleaning.

00;54;30;27 - 00;54;47;17
I don't hire nobody. I go in there, clean it to the team, and you can eat. You can eat off the floor. Yeah. I've actually been to. Oh you went. It's very nice. I was like, yeah, we can do our podcast here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. If you go on my Instagram and click on my I'm on my link and you see.

00;54;47;17 - 00;55;05;03
Yeah. What is it. my Instagram is J.R 72 I mean I don't post my, my stuff like that. I'm real private about my stuff. But you know every now and then I throw a little sublime in my, my stories like you know like keep your head up. You know, some positive stuff. Yeah. You know, he's a real, as you can tell from the vibe.

00;55;05;03 - 00;55;25;06
He's really, really generous. I actually asked him that. I was like, bro, you know, you're so generous with your your your your success jewels. How are you? Not like most people. They're afraid that people would would, take the jewels and learn so that people hold on to secrets is what I'm saying. Let me change, I like that.

00;55;25;06 - 00;55;41;16
Nah, give up the game. Let me tell you something, bro. I'm an open book. Like I told you before, I'm open book too. Especially when it comes to this. I want to see everybody win. I want to see, I want to I want everybody to feel the way I feel, I feel free. Thank you. I feel great, and a lot of it is because financial freedom that I'm not.

00;55;41;16 - 00;55;58;06
I mean, I mean, like the monetary things, I mean everything in life, health as well. But if you got if you got a couple bucks in your pocket, man, bro, life is a lot easier. It enhances things a little bit. Yeah. You know, and and get to live a little better, you know what I mean? So that that keeps me at ease.

00;55;58;13 - 00;56;07;14
I feel good that I can I can help people out with my gems. I tell you the truth, I, I've kept quiet. I've been keeping quiet about it a lot lately because.

00;56;07;14 - 00;56;26;13
Because a lot of people get offended by how I speak too, sometimes because, you know, I just put it the way it is, man. you know, like people ask me, hey, I want to get into a house. They know that I'm into into real estate. All right, well, what about you want to get. I want my one family.

00;56;26;15 - 00;56;42;01
Why would you want to do that? Oh, because, you know, I, you know, I, I don't want to deal with real estate for everybody. I don't want to deal with a with these tenants or stuff like that. I just want my own shit. Yeah, but you know that you sign in a a 30 year contract. That's a 30 year deal.

00;56;42;04 - 00;57;04;12
You got to work for that. Why don't you just go get yourself a multi? Nah, nah, I doing that. I ain't doing that. So I start preaching to them on how to go about and all that. And for some reason it comes down to it. I just they don't want me to get this house be hey. So I fell back because I mean this is something that I was going gung ho for.

00;57;04;13 - 00;57;21;07
You know what I'm saying. Like oh if he's working for me he's got to work for all you know what I'm saying. Yeah. So follow this blueprint and it'll work. So I fell back. you know like if you ask me about it I'll tell you we'll see and talk about it all day before I would just come out and bluntly talk about it.

00;57;21;09 - 00;57;54;01
Right now I just hold back. And then when you do ask me, my first question is what type of house? one family. And then I start thinking, I should I ask them why? So I just be like, you want to know what family are? You know that it's not that easy, man. That means that taking a day off after you exhausted all your all your five days that they give you at work, whatever the, whatever it is that they give you, you're not going to get paid for that one day that you take off, but you got to meet a certain amount of money at the end of the month to pay that

00;57;54;01 - 00;58;09;20
mortgage. You're not going to be able to do that, brother. Modest. Like, hey, you don't want me to get the house. So I just pull back, you know? But if you ask, I'll tell you. I mean, in my book is over. I'll tell you how to go about it. What to do. A lot of people charge for that.

00;58;09;26 - 00;58;43;19
Yeah, definitely. Absolutely. Not me. And or as. Okay, now, I was going to say it's important that, you know, you're so open to share because there's, there's such a negative stigma about money within itself. You know, like in order to get money, you have to be stingy. You can't be enough. And even with with, with owning real estate and being a landlord, one thing that I'm hearing from, from you is it's kind of like you're still in customer service, even as a landlord.

00;58;43;20 - 00;59;15;16
You know, you're putting your your tenants or your Airbnb. I guess host or whatever it is. Yes. That too is super. And that comes through customer service. And even when it even started even further back when you were, just willfully and willingly taking out the trash and collecting the rent, you know, and, and just that brought so many opportunities, you know, so I think that's very powerful and that's something that shouldn't be disregarded.

00;59;15;16 - 00;59;42;24
That one, you see that real estate. It's not just real estate. It's a people business as well. And also just being able and willing to go outside of your expectations, doing more than you're expected to do. I know which one a lot. So that's the other thing I do too. I tell my tenants, listen, you know how much you gave me in the last two years?

00;59;42;26 - 01;00;02;17
Know what? You gave me a down payment to buy your own house. I try to encourage my tenants to go buy a house. See, even that, like most people, will want to keep them as tenants, not you giving them because, you know, because tenants, you will always find people always need somewhere to live. But if I can put some jewels into especially I got these tenants on my third floor in the building.

01;00;02;17 - 01;00;20;13
They're young, young girls. My turn on me. Like, listen, they're. You're young. Give yourself a house. You know how much money you just gave me in the last four years? Yeah, but it's so hard. They like to go back to da, back and forth, back and forth. And, you know, they like to smoke the little hookers and hang out.

01;00;20;14 - 01;00;37;15
Like, you know, if you stop that, at least for a year or two, and the income tax checks that you get, save those, put them away, then the formula du sacrifice, sacrifice where everything's a sacrifice, put that away for two years, both of you. And which a because they live with their boyfriend and their husband. All for you.

01;00;37;18 - 01;00;55;02
Put your income taxes away. Go get yourself a multifamily. And you the whole family could live there be one. But at least you, you gain if you, the whole family's going to live there, you could charge them rent or if you don't want to charge them rent, everybody pays a mortgage but you're gaining equity. You know what I'm saying.

01;00;55;05 - 01;01;17;09
Yeah. We want to sell that house or whatever you want to pull. Pull some money out of it, refinance or whatever the case may be. You get a home equity loan, you know, but you're you're about something now. You're a homeowner. Yeah, yeah. You know, you know what you said about this people's part? People's industry, people's service is real because it's part of the reason why I appreciated you, you as a real estate agent and why I recommend you.

01;01;17;16 - 01;01;38;04
I always tell people the stories. When I was on in my property, one of the first things I had to do was clean my yard. My yard was looking crazy in East Orange, right? So he didn't just say, I should listen to get this house right, to sell it. you got to get your yard clean. Yeah. He literally all this leaves up in that moment and started, like, cleaning the soil.

01;01;38;04 - 01;02;02;17
The opportunity of making that, you know, shoes on and everything else. Yeah. I was like, yeah, I appreciate this, man. You help him, young man? Yeah. so. Yeah. So the bigger picture behind it, right? Right. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I this is relationships. I still do that to this day. I still do that to this day. I was digging the, one of my last, closings.

01;02;02;17 - 01;02;21;15
I was in the backyard digging, trying to find where they had, like, what was it? It was in the underground. Saying what? It was something, and we couldn't get anyone there. So I went and got the. So, like, I look, we got we gotta get this to the closing table. Yeah, yeah. Was, that was that. Yeah. That's what I absolutely always go above.

01;02;21;17 - 01;02;40;14
Yeah. Where as we start to land the, the plane, I like to say, wrap it. so one thing that I noticed too, and that you mentioned without actually using this word, but I noticed you have a marathon thanking your patient or very patient. And so I find I struggled with patients. I messed up a lot of opportunities.

01;02;40;14 - 01;02;59;01
Oh, no, I want to say I messed up. I wasn't able to take on take advantage of a lot of opportunities because of my lack of patients. And definitely one thing that I see with people is they like patients when it comes to money, what they want, the microwave results and how how did you develop patients and what can you say about your patients?

01;02;59;01 - 01;03;13;23
I have patients for this. Other than that, I don't have patients for the butcher, anything else. But for this, I know what comes with this. This is not an overnight thing. so just knowing just knowing that you just got to have that in your head. Like I told my daughter, I was like, listen, this is not an overnight thing.

01;03;13;24 - 01;03;31;26
I know you're not making this a crazy like, Will you see me bring it in? You know, but you're bringing something in. I'm the type of guy that if I have a dollar and you give me another dollar, that's a profit to me, you know anything's a profit. So that's the way I take it. That's the way I took it in the real estate game.

01;03;31;26 - 01;03;58;15
Other than that I don't have patience for the bullshit but for having the patience and the right in the right places like a real estate. You have to have patience, bro. Yes. Patience. if you can offer advice, you know, like, you know and I know we spoke about the, the younger generation, which is universal advice. So like a lot of times I ask people, you know, what's your favorite book or what's your favorite quote or anything, what gen would you offer?

01;03;58;18 - 01;04;16;10
My favorite, one of my favorite quotes, and I'd say for the longest, if you go slow, you in control, you go fast. You crash and that and real estate. If you follow that, you're going to be. I mean, it's interesting because when we were hustling, you know, we would say slow money's for sure. Oh yes. Definitely. That's another thing.

01;04;16;10 - 01;04;37;08
That's why I think I lasted in the game so long because I wasn't I wasn't as wholesale a dealer as Pablo Escobar guy. You know, to me, a wholesale dealer. Yeah, yeah, you make a money, but if you break that, that key down, you're making more money. You know how it goes. So street dealers to me will make more money than than a wholesale, if you ask me.

01;04;37;08 - 01;05;09;27
Back then. Back that now. I don't know how I should goes, but back then a street hustler would make more money than the wholesaler. Yeah. So, you know, like you said, slow money's for sure. Money. so two more questions. I find that it's very important to have the right part. You know what I mean? in the relationship, you know, even Napoleon Hill, who wrote a book called Thinking Grow Rich, and he talks about this concept called The Mastermind and the masterminds, basically aligning yourself with a group of people who have the same goal but different targets.

01;05;09;27 - 01;05;31;18
Right? So he says one of the most important people in your mastermind is your wife, right? You know, or your husband. Right. So I see you, you have your queen. I see your strong taking trip. I think when I when I spoke to her, she seems on point with the relative saying, listen, bro, this, this, this girl right here, man.

01;05;31;21 - 01;05;57;14
They say it was like Bonnie and Clyde. That's why we go everywhere together. We do things together. Everything, everything. Everything is together. She helped me out a lot. She helps me out a lot. And when it comes down to the paperwork, like patience, I don't have patience for that shit. Like I'm the type of guy. Like, if it wasn't for her when I was refinancing my house, I would call the lady like, hey, listen, I'm yeah, yeah, yeah, we're going to give you a call a couple days, all right?

01;05;57;17 - 01;06;12;22
All right. She would ask me then what will happen now. She said she's going to call in a couple of days. You know, I don't know. I don't know what else to do, man. I don't want to get on this lady's nerves. Don't worry about it. I got this. I know what she did. Whatever. Boom, boom, boom. They got to each other.

01;06;12;22 - 01;06;30;17
He started talking. Boom. Next week we refinance. Wow. Oh. You know, when it comes out to my Airbnbs, she's she's like, she's she's my back on there. So she helps me out a lot, a lot. She does everything. I'll clean and then she'll come.

01;06;30;19 - 01;06;51;15
You know I'll sweep, mop, she'll come and do it over. You know, it just, you know, just just, make sure that everything's running right. So what relationship? But, like, how were you able to find a partner where you mesh on that level? You know, what relationship advice would you offer? to find the right person, so to speak?

01;06;51;17 - 01;07;18;01
Well, if you're trying to do a do, you're trying to start up something that's beneficial and financial freedom and stuff like that. You need you need a partner that's on the same level you are. you can't have someone that's always wants to go out, hang out because you're not going to get anywhere from, believe it or not, spending a dollar here, spending a dollar there, you putting a dent into your savings to whatever it is that you know, you putting away.

01;07;18;03 - 01;07;32;12
And with this lady image, she doesn't ask for nine. And if I try to give her son is like, nah, you're crazy, you're not buying me that. I have to go out of my way and do it on a sneak tip and be like, here, oh my God, why do you do that? How much that person thing? How much does that cost?

01;07;32;14 - 01;07;51;11
You don't worry about it. You know it's for you. He of a queen piece that a queen has. so final question. Thank you for your time, my brother. Thank you for having me a thousand years from now, right away, before I ask, you have any other questions? No. I want to hear. Go. Okay. This is a thousand years from now, right?

01;07;51;14 - 01;08;17;07
Because you're going to live a long. Thank you. John. I'm trying to do the 100 years like my brothers in day to day when they're reading your eulogy. And in one sentence, how would you like to be remembered? How would you like to be remembered? Wow. Just just down to earth. Helpful. Because I'm very helpful. You definitely are.

01;08;17;13 - 01;08;32;05
I say that now because we're you talking. You know? But, just just the kind of person I want to see everybody live, man. I want to see everybody. I'm the type of guy that I want to see everybody want. I want everybody to feel the way I feel. And I feel great. I feel, I feel good, man.

01;08;32;05 - 01;08;51;05
I just. And not only that, let me just say that real quick. I just went and got all my blood work done, so everything came out good. So that gives you a better move. I'm 52 years old, so that gives you a makes you feel even better and I just want everybody to feel like I feel when you talk about me, if you feel good, he wants you to feel the same way.

01;08;51;08 - 01;09;01;16
Love it. Thank you for coming on, brother. Peace vow. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Thank you, Matt Kasem, I guess you. Yeah. Let's watch. Let's get it. Yes.

01;09;01;16 - 01;09;04;03